Our Partners
Community Collaborative
60 partnering agencies in Santa Barbara County convene quarterly including school districts, community-based organizations, providers, healthcare, law enforcement, faith communities, and caregivers. JOIN the COLLABORATIVE - fill out the 2023 PARTNER COMMITMENT FORM & SURVEY > Stay updated with YouthWell's monthly newsletter >
Youth Linkages Network
[FORMERLY the BHLT - Behavioral Health Linkages Team] Convene monthly to educate 50+ resource navigators, probation officers, local crisis lines, and school counselors so that they are better equipped to support families. If you would like to join the monthly meetings, contact at info@YouthWell.org and we can add you to our email distribution. Hosted by YouthWell, SBC BWell, SBCEO
thank you for your support...
We are grateful for the contributions from our local foundations and our community donors & family foundations!