Make a gift today
Thank you for making a difference! We rely on donors like you to help support mental health early intervention and prevention efforts for youth through the age of 25 and their families in Santa Barbara County. Your gift supports our Wellness Navigators, Support Groups, Wellness Workshops, and online Mental Health and Wellness Resource Directory for families in Santa Barbara County.
This past year, our YouthWell team was able to provide support and services to 990 youth and parents in Santa Barbara County.
The demands are increasing for our Wellness Navigator and Family Care Coordination programs that provide personalized support to families on their mental health journey by addressing their individual needs, connecting them with services, and removing barriers. Help us raise $175,000 to expand our program so we can serve more families in Santa Barbara County.
100% of your tax-deductible donation supports youth mental health and wellness in Santa Barbara County.
• Contact Rachael Steidl with questions. or 805.448.2426
• Find YouthWell in 2025 GIVING LIST
• 2024-25 annual giving letter >
- Make check PAYABLE TO:
Community Partners for YouthWell
**Please designate on the memo line: YouthWell
- - Please MAIL check to [If mailing via USPS]:
Community Partners,
P. O. Box 741265,
Los Angeles, CA 90074-1265
If mailing via a delivery service (UPS, FedEx, DHL):
Bank of America Lockbox Services, Lockbox #741265, 2706 Media Center Drive, Los Angeles, CA 90065-1733]
YouthWell is honored to be a fiscally sponsored project of Community Partners, 501(c)3 nonprofit organization, Tax ID# 95-4302067.
youthwell in action
Vision: Increase youth mental health prevention and early intervention efforts. Work towards systemic change that encourages collaboration so that we can fill the gaps and remove barriers to services for all youth and their families so that they can access the care they need in a timely manner through a warm handoff.
Mission: Prioritize prevention, and early intervention (PEI). Eliminate stigma through education and provide tools and tips for managing mental wellness and practicing self-care in order to build resilience. Simplify access and connect youth through age 25 and their families to mental health resources before the crisis.
Projects: Support Groups, Wellness Navigation & Family Care Coordination, Wellness Workshops, Resource Directory, Community Calendar, Resource Rack Cards & Posters, Youth Advisory Board, Intern Program, Our Mental Health Matters Campaign, Convene Collaborative & YLN, and partner on multiple grants.
Learn more about our work in the community.
- 2024-2025 annual giving letter >
- In the News >
- Our History >
- Our Partners >
thank you for your support...
We are grateful for the contributions from our local foundations and our community donors & family foundations!