Links to local therapists serving youth in Santa Barbara County
Age Groups
Below is a list of therapists for Santa Barbara County that work with youth and families...
**If you're looking for a specialty, type of insurance, or need a Spanish-speaking, view SB CAMFT directory >
- Albert Corrieri
- Allison Brevier
- Amy Hermann
- Amy Rideg
- Annie Ewald
- Aute Porter
- Bri Velasquez
- Cara Behan
- Claire Blakey
- Cody Norris
- Colleen Hoye
- Crystal Ramirez
- Cyndi Sierra
- Dahkotahv Beckham
- Danielle Sharkey
- Debra Dalton Stein
- Indira Katan
- Jaime Bergante
- Jamie Fortin
- Jonathan Thompson II
- Johni Hull
- Julia Cushing
- Juliette Raynaud
- Justin Sundgot-Smith
- Kady Fleckenstein, SYV Therapy
- Katie Pazan
- Katrina Pesl
- Kristi Miller
- Kristine Gore
- Lauren Hayes
- Leah French
- Maria DeAlba
- Mackenzie Amundson
- Melissa Axell
- Orian Lathrop
- Rachel Brewer
- Riley Ellis
- Sarah Buck
- Sierra Smargon
Below are a list of psychologists for Santa Barbara County that work with youth and families...
**If you're looking for a specialty, type of insurance, or need a Spanish-speaking view SB Psychological Association directory >
- Dr. Ali Fleming
- Dr. Aubrey Toole
- Dr. Avery Voos
- Dr. Elizabeth Ollen
- Dr. Emily Maynard
- Dr. Eric Nelson
- Dr. Mary Patterson
Below are a list of psychiatrists for Santa Barbara County that work with youth and families...
**If you're looking for a specialty, type of insurance, or need a Spanish-speaking view Psychology Today website >