*Therapists, Psychologists, Psychiatrists

*Therapists, Psychologists, Psychiatrists

Links to local therapists serving youth in Santa Barbara County

Carpinteria, Santa Barbara-Goleta, Santa Ynez Valley, Lompoc, Santa Maria & Guadalupe, SLO County, Ventura County, Other

Below is a list of therapists for Santa Barbara County that work with youth and families...
**If you're looking for a specialty, type of insurance, or need a Spanish-speaking, view SB CAMFT directory >

Below are a list of psychologists for Santa Barbara County that work with youth and families...
**If you're looking for a specialty, type of insurance, or need a Spanish-speaking view SB Psychological Association directory >

Below are a list of psychiatrists for Santa Barbara County that work with youth and families...
**If you're looking for a specialty, type of insurance, or need a Spanish-speaking view Psychology Today website >

Levels of Care
prevention & wellness, treatment & intervention (mild to moderate), treatment & intervention (moderate to severe)
Counseling Services
therapists, psychologists, psychiatrist
Therapeutic Specialties
assessments, screening, evaluation, ACE's, drop-In counseling, telehealth counseling, EMDR, CBT/DBT, play therapy, support groups
Youth Treatment Specialties & Programs
bereavement/grief, disorder (ADHD, ADD, OCD, PTSD, anxiety, bipolar, depression), disorder (psychosis, schizophrenia), eating disorders, self-harm, self-injury, sexual assault, dating abuse, domestic violence, trauma
Fee for Services
Fee for services., Offer sliding-scale., Accept select insurance providers., Accept Medi-Cal., Accept CenCal Health, We don't take insurance.
Organization Type
independent private practice