Local resources serving youth and families on housing and basic needs
Adams Angels - Compassionate group of volunteers extending help to community members in need. They gather donations from our neighbors and distribute clothing, toiletries, non-perishable food and street survival equipment to those experiencing hardship in our community.
Dignity Moves - Interim supportive housing community - 35 private, dignified rooms for individuals experiencing homelessness.
Haley Street Navigation Center (701 E. Haley St) is designed for transitional-age youth, 18-24, who are either experiencing homelessness or need help attaining basic needs such as food and clothing. YMCA Case managers on site who work with clients to provide the resources they need, whether it’s employment, education, financial resources, or mental health counseling. The Center offers amenities to meet the basic needs of clients such as a kitchen, computers with Internet access, grab-and-go meals, a washer and a dryer, a shower, personal storage, clothes and shoes, all of which are available to clients for FREE.
My Home provides services to youth 18-24 experiencing or who are at risk for homelessness. YMCA staff working on housing solutions and counseling to build a path to independence. My Home is a partnership with the City of Santa Barbara Housing Authority and County Child Welfare Services. Services are available in English and Spanish (805) 560-8250
Noah's Anchorage Youth Shelter (301 West Figueroa St) is a Community Care Licensed Youth Homelessness Prevention Center. At Noah’s Anchorage we provide a welcoming and supportive environment for youth ages 12-17 who are homeless, at risk of homelessness, have runaway, or are in an unsafe situation. All youth who come to Noah’s have access to healthy meals, warm showers and hygiene supplies, clothing, and a supportive adult. Both residential and non-residential services are intended to support physical, educational, and social-emotional well-being.
PATH - Helping people find permanent housing and provide case management, medical and mental healthcare, benefits advocacy, employment training, and other services to help them maintain their homes stably (805) 884-8481
Santa Barbara Rescue Mission - Provides immediate help and lasting hope to those with no place else to go. Offering a 12-month residential recovery program to men and women who desire to break free from cycles of addiction, poverty, homelessness, and crime.
Showers of Blessing - Provides FREE hot showers, fosters compassionate hygienic care, and offers access to critical services for people experiencing homelessness. For schedule in SB, visit the website.
Street Outreach Support Program - The YMCA provides support to youth and young adults age 12-24 who are homeless or at risk for becoming homeless. Staff provide resources in the community via a mobile outreach team and at our drop-in center located at Noah's Anchorage Youth Shelter. Our drop-in center operates 9am - 1pm, 7 days a week. Services include access to basic needs, laundry facilities, personal property storage, case management, vocational support, and computer/internet access (805) 963-8775 extension 1414.
Willbridge - Provides a safe-haven as an alternative to incarceration for chronic homeless, mentally ill adults and females at risk of violent crimes, by offering transitional housing, permanent supportive housing, medical respite, and peer street outreach (805) 564-1911.