Family Care Network

Family Care Network

Family Care Network, Inc. (FCNI) is a Community-Based Organization, serving San Luis Obispo and Northern Santa Barbara counties through multiple programs designed to strengthen and preserve birth, fostering, and adoptive families and individuals impacted by trauma related to abuse, neglect, homelessness, chronic poverty and/or unmet mental health needs. Programs are delivered in partnership with public and private agencies and the community.

Santa Maria & Guadalupe, SLO County

Independent Living Program (ILP), Santa Barbara County

  • The purpose of ILP is to empower current and former foster youth through education/vocational training, life skills training, advocacy, workforce development and community collaboration.
  • Program participants work with our ILP Case Managers to learn independent living skills necessary to become self-sufficient adults.
  • Program outcomes are evidenced by the following indicators:
    - Successfully complete a Transition to Independent Living Plan (TILP)
    - Learn the skills necessary to become self-sufficient
    - Complete high school and/or successfully enroll in college or vocational training with a goal to secure meaningful long-term employment, financial stability and housing permanency.
Levels of Care
prevention & wellness
Targeted Youth Populations
foster & adopted youth, transitional age youth (TAY)
Wellness Programs for Youth
education, workshops, groups, job training & life skills, mentoring, tutoring & academic support, volunteer opportunities, other
Resource & Referral Support
therapeutic educational consultant
Waiting List
Services for undocumented Individuals provided?
Fee for Services
FREE services.
1255 Kendall Road, San Luis Obispo, CA
ZIP Code
Organization Type