Eating Disorders Anonymous (EDA)

Eating Disorders Anonymous (EDA)

Eating Disorders Anonymous (EDA) is a fellowship of individuals who share their experience, strength and hope with each other that they may solve their common problems and help others to recover from their eating disorders.

Carpinteria, Santa Barbara-Goleta, Santa Ynez Valley, Lompoc, Santa Maria & Guadalupe, SLO County, Ventura County, Other

People can and do fully recover from having an eating disorder.
In EDA, we help one another identify and claim milestones of recovery.
Balance – NOT abstinence – is our goal.

Online Zoom meetings are being help through the National EDA  >

Levels of Care
prevention & wellness, treatment & intervention (mild to moderate), recovery & aftercare
Counseling Services
peer to peer
Therapeutic Specialties
support groups
Youth Treatment Specialties & Programs
eating disorders
Parent & Caregiver Resources
support groups
Waiting List
Services for undocumented Individuals provided?
Fee for Services
FREE services.
Organization Type