Mental Health & Wellness Education
workshops • youth mental health first aid • find a support group • view past workshop recordings
parent wellness workshops
VIRTUAL PARENT WORKSHOPS for parents of tweens & teens
LGBTQIA+ 101 for parents - Having conversations about sexuality and gender identity can be challenging. Understanding how to have those conversations from a place of love and acceptance can make all the difference in a young person's journey.
APRIL 13, 5:00-6:30pm Transgender/Non-binary/Gender spectrum: what are pronouns/social & medical transition/ advocacy in schools and with doctors/importance of gender exploration and validation? Do to the shifts and changes in our political climate - we want parents to have an opportunity to learn from a panel of adults and teens in the LGBTQ+ community. Learn how important it is that we create safe spaces for our LGBTQ+ youth in our homes and in our community.
Panel: Kai Krupa, and...
- SUGGESTED FEE: $5 per person pay online >
- LOCATION: ZOOM (you'll receive link after you register)
- QUESTIONS: OR 805.770.1239
FEB 2, 5:00-6:30pm My child/teen just came out... now what?: Due to the shifts and changes in our political climate - we want parents to have an opportunity to learn from a panel of adults and teens in the LGBTQ+ community. Learn how to support your kid/how to talk to kids about gender and sexuality. Learn how important it is that we create safe spaces for our LGBTQ+ youth in our homes and in our community. Panel: Kai Krupa, and...
- SUGGESTED FEE: $5 per person pay online >
- LOCATION: ZOOM (you'll receive link after you register)
- QUESTIONS: OR 805.770.1239
host a training or workshop
YouthWell can customize a workshop or training for your audience whether it is youth, parents and caregivers, community members, or providers.
- - Contact if you have questions.
- - Visit or to schedule a Youth Mental Health First Aid training.
teen wellness workshops
ZOOM STUDENT WORKSHOPS [high school & college]
- ZOOM LINK use MARCH 9th >
- FEE: $0
- ZOOM WORKSHOP (link provided after registration)
QUESTIONS: OR 805.770.1239
Free for youth, ages 14-21... Learn about internship & leadership opportunities in Santa Barbara County. (Parents are welcome to attend as well.)
Gain tips & tools for applying to internships.
Panel of 15+ SB County organizations who provide internship & leadership opportunities will share about their program and how students can get involved.
Internship and leadership programs with non-profits and local companies are a great way to explore your interests, increase self-confidence, and learn valuable life skills. Youth who intern strengthen their communication, time-management, and organizational skills, all while learning and building meaningful relationships with mentors in the community. You can often earn community service hours and expand your network for future job opportunities!
youth mental health first aid
Join the movement in Santa Barbara County to strengthen our community because we can all be more aware and informed. Hosted by FSA, and YouthWell.
Just as CPR helps you assist an individual having a heart attack, Mental Health First Aid helps you assist someone experiencing a mental health or substance use-related crisis.
- Youth Mental Health First Aid [Y-MHFA]is a 6.5 hour comprehensive training designed to equip educators, family members, and caregivers (18 years or older) with the skills and knowledge to identify, understand, and respond to the signs or risk factors of youth mental illness and substance use disorders.
- Teen Mental Health First Aid [tMHFA] teaches high school students about common mental health challenges and what they can do to support their own mental health and help a friend who is struggling. It’s equipping young people with the knowledge and skills they need to foster their own wellness and to support each other.
QPR stands for Question, Persuade, and Refer — the 3 simple steps anyone can learn to help save a life from suicide. QPR is a suicide prevention training for participants to be able to recognize the warning signs of suicide and question, persuade, and refer people at risk for suicide for help. QPR can be learned in as little as one hour and you will receive a certificate that is active for 2 years.
Let us know if you would like to coordinate a private class for 20 people to train in your organization, church, or group. The course is available in English and Spanish. If you are interested in finding out about additional classes for... QPR, Mental Health First Aid, Teen Mental Health First Aid or Youth Mental Health First Aid - contact
Workshop Recordings
View all workshop RECORDINGS on our YouTube channel
View handouts and slides of past workshops
Free virtual wellness workshops provide a platform for students (10-25), parents, and those working with youth to learn tools and tips for managing their mental wellness and practicing self-care in order to build resilience so they are better equipped to cope with stress and challenging situations. Spanish interpretation provided.
Non-Profit Panel of 20+ SB County organizations shares about how students can create meaningful ways to volunteer. Completing community service hours is more than checking a box off the to-do list... it’s learning about the joy of volunteering, learning new skills, and an opportunity to grow and discover new passions. Find which areas (animals, arts & culture, homelessness, environment & science, education, camps, elderly) are meaningful to you. Volunteering helps people manage stress, feel connected, and increase self-confidence.
Speakers 2025 [VIEW RECORDING 2025 > VIEW 2025 SLIDES > YouthWell, STESA, SB Museum Natural History & Sea Center, SB County Education Office, SB Botanic Gardens, Safety Town, SB Bucket Brigade, Peer Buddies, Planned Parenthood, Grace Fisher Foundation, Future Leaders of America, CAUSE, AHA!, Youth Making Change, SB Museum of Art
Speakers 2024 [VIEW RECORDING 2024 > VIEW 2024 SLIDES > : Assistance League of SB, AHA!, Apples to Zucchini Cooking School, Cycling Without Age, Dunes Center, Girls Inc Carp, Housing Authority-City SB, Old Spanish Days Fiesta, PATH, Peer Buddies, SB Museum of Art, SB Public Library, STESA, SB Zoo, YouthWell
Speakers 2023 [VIEW RECORDING 2023 > or LISTEN SPANISH AUDIO >] VIEW 2023 SLIDES > : Assistance League of SB, AHA!, Apples to Zucchini Cooking School, Central Coast Rescue Mission, City of SB Parks & Recreation, Community Environmental Council, Cottage Health, Friendship Center, Inclusive Arts Clubhouse, Inclusive Arts Clubhouse - Grace Fisher Foundation, Keiki Paddle, Mental Wellness Center, Resource Family Assistance Support Team, SB Bucket Brigade, SB Humane, SB Museum of Art, SB Museum of Natural History & Sea Center, SB Public Library, YouthWell
Speakers 2021 [VIEW RECORDING 2021 >]: Alpha Resource Center, Apples to Zucchini Cooking School, BUNS (Bunnies Urgently Needing Shelter), Fairview Gardens, CommUnify, Community Environmental Council, Cottage Rehabilitation Junior Wheelchair Sports Camp, Cycling Without Age, Direct Relief, Explore Ecology, Food Bank, Friendship Center, Fund For SB, MWC, Sansum Diabetes/Veggie IQ, Santa Maria Public Library, SYV Humane Society/DAWG, SB Museum of Natural History & Sea Center, Teddy Bear Cancer Foundation, Wilderness Youth Project
Whether it's just the start of the school year or your child is moving from one school to a new one, transitions can be really challenging for everyone.
Learn how to help your student ease in to the school year with grace and enthusiasm and support them when things get overwhelming. Help them identify their allies and ask for what they need before things fall apart, and get some tips on taking care of yourself during this time.
Kids need a balance of love and limits to thrive. Learn simple strategies for setting and enforcing boundaries that work for every age. Presented by AHA! view slides >
We also recommend a great Glendon Doyle podcast on this topic
Diana Graber, author of Raising Humans in a Digital World, teaches youth and parents the skills they need to be safe and wise online.
Topics addressed include healthy screen time, online reputation management, maintaining safe relationships within online communities, and how to safeguard privacy.
Learn to... 1. recognize the differences between recreational use and addiction 2. be an ally to your peers in recovery 3. the negative effects of binge drinking, vaping, and JUULing 4. how self-medicating can mask the symptoms of mental illness 5. about local support resources. UCSB students will share personal stories of recovery and sobriety. 2022 Speakers: John Doyel, George Stoddard, Jimmy Chahal, Grace Lemersal, Justin Emmanuel Suarez, Thomas Flanagan 2021 Speakers: Dr Jason Prystowsky, ER Doctor, Sharleen O’Brien, UCSB, Jackie Kurta, UCSB, Lacey Peters, SB City College, Joselyn Sanchez, CADA, Ric Torchon, Sam Lytle
Learn to strengthen relationships through active listening and constructive responding. Build empathic listening skills to better interact with family, friends, youth, and co-workers. Learn how to support a friend you are concerned about.
Listening is a powerful communication tool that allows us to build trust, deepen connections, and reduce conflict in both personal and professional relationships. Speaker: Michael Takahara
Student athletes, learn new tools and strategies that help decrease anxiety, negative thoughts, fatigue, and burnout. Learn mindfulness strategies that improve resiliency, competitive performance, and the ability to perform optimally under extreme stress. Learn to support teammates. Coaches will learn skills for bringing mindfulness, awareness, clarity, and compassion into their work with youth. Speaker: Amy Saltzman, M.D., Jacob Lombard, coach, Jimmy Chahal, student.
Learn to understand the spectrum of mental health. Recognize the signs and symptoms of a mental health challenge. Understand the role of medication in some treatment plans, why self-care matters, and why we need to prioritize early intervention. Learn coping strategies for managing our mental health. Learn to support a friend or your child and build listening skills. Learn to advocate for yourself and ask for help. How to report if you are concerned about a friend. Tips for finding a therapist & how to make telehealth work for you. Speakers: Eric Nelson, Jessica Ambroz, Lacey Peters, Rio Seymour
Learn simple hacks for yourself and your family to infuse balance into your day, improve your mood, fight fatigue, and relieve stress. This workshop is an opportunity for anyone regardless of your age to learn new tools and set your own intentions for what you want in 2021 so that you feel empowered to manage your mental and physical wellness. PRINT SLIDES > PRINT: Meal Planning, Grocery Lists, Eating Out 2021 PRINT: Wellness Workshop Self-Care Tips & Worksheets 2021 Speakers: Cara Ferrick, CorePower co-owner, Jenni Tasca, MSRD, Registered Dietitian, Shadean Runyen, Functional Health and Wellness Coach
Learn about the power of movement & breathing and how it improves your mood and relieves stress. Cara will talk about how exercise and movements affect both our physical and mental health. She will also share about the science of breath and why it matters that we take time to breathe. Workshop will also include... Grounding, Resiliency, and Gratitude • Mindfulness Tools & Breathing • Movement and the many benefits • Self-care and your intuition and inner knowing • Tools to help you sleep • Essential oils • Meditation and the many benefits Speaker: Cara Ferrick, co-owner CorePower Yoga
Understand how the foods you eat affect your mental health, mood, and how you feel. This will be an interactive discussion will you learn how to continue to enjoy eating all the foods you love while learning how to balance so you can avoid those afternoon energy crashes. Learn how to substitute healthier alternatives when you are baking and still have those cookies taste great! Great tips for athletes as well. VIEW ZOOM VIDEO PRESENTATION & SLIDES HANDOUT - Overview of how food affects our moods Speaker: Jenni Tasca
Learn strategies to...
actively listen,
ask for what you need,
use your breathing to develop self-awareness,
manage emotions, and decrease stress
This series of mindful and compassionate listening workshops are an opportunity to build empathic listening skills to better interact with youth, family, friends, and co-workers. Speaker: Dave Mochel
Our body image can impact our mental health. Learn to cultivate self-love and acceptance. Learn how body neutrality can transform our self-image, improve self-esteem, and tools on how to eliminate negative messages. Local leader, Jordan Killebrew and college student, Caroline Anderson will share their experiences of overcoming an eating disorder. Speakers: Jenny Schatzle, author, Breaking the Cycle: Free Yourself from the Story that's Holding You Back! Heather Lengyel, dietician nutritionist
Learn tips for building healthy relationships and how to set boundaries. Learn to recognize when a friendship may be toxic or unhealthy. Learn to support a friend or your child who has been sexually assaulted. Learn what consent means, how to report sexual assault and resources in Santa Barbara County. Speakers from DVS, UCSB, STESA, Pacific Pride, North County Rape Crisis Center, Planned Parenthood
Connection that makes a difference - Build empathic listening skills to better interact with youth, family, friends, and co-workers. Improve communication skills in personal and professional lives. Learn how to... -build skills of deep, empathic listening -speak from your heart -help others by doing less -ask the right questions -reflect on your own judgment & biases. Speaker: Dave Mochel
Learn about the reality of human trafficking in Santa Barbara County, local survivor stories, myths & realities about trafficking, how to recognize the warning signs and respond. Speakers: SB ACT & North County Rape Crisis Center
Angst movie screening
Documentary designed to raise awareness around anxiety. Film includes interviews with kids, teens, educators, experts, parents, and a special interview with Michael Phelps. The goal is to help people identify and understand the symptoms of anxiety. PRINT: DISCUSSION GUIDE, ANXIETY FACTS & TIPS & SLIDES FOR ANGST WORKSHOP > Speakers: Dr. Jerry Bubrick is a senior clinical psychologist in the Anxiety Disorders Center and director of the Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder Service at the Child Mind Institute in New York. Dr. Margot Roseman, Pediatrician, Jessica Ambroz, School Social Worker, Dawson Kelly, student.
You(th) can be advocates for change
Find your voice. Learn from a panel of local student leaders how to become advocates forchange with an emphasis on social justice. Learn to frame the conversation so others will listen. Build a space for empathy and understandingwhere we learn from each other to createchange in our community.
Speakers: Maya Samarasena/DPHS, Shakir Ahmad/SMHS, Essence Wynter/UCSB, Adalis Rojas/UCSB, Nathaniel Ilo/UCSB, Ashley Steidl/Cal Poly. PRINT: Resources & Reads for understanding Social Justice & Advocacy
Managing Stress & Finding Balance - Increasing resilience in our youth through mindfulness and self-care.
How do we offer guidance & support without rescuing our children from the discomfort that naturally comes with healthy challenges and growth? We will [1] introduce & practice simple strategies for supporting our kids in becoming capable & resilient adults, [2] explore simple practices for parents to use in being more present & understanding, [3] discuss the line that separates normal upset & disappointment from depression & anxiety that require professional intervention.
Navigate the digital and gaming age with youth
Learn strategies on how to support youth responsibly with their devices. Understand the impact of screens on brain development. Learn to identify signs of cell phone and gaming addiction, and set healthy limits around devices.
College Student Panel
Local Santa Barbara students who attend colleges all over the country answer questions about their personal experiences at their schools. If you are trying to decide which school is a fit for you, it might be helpful to be able to ask questions about things you are curious about.