Resource Wellness Navigation


We realize it can be overwhelming when your child starts to struggle with a mental health issue and we want to support parents and caregivers in being able to intervene early and get the support they need. YouthWell works collaboratively with our Santa Barbara County community organizations to simplify access to resources for youth through age 25 and their families.

Wellness Navigators
YouthWell has Wellness Navigators that can help connect you to services. Parents, counselors, and community providers in Santa Barbara County can contact us if you need support navigating available resources. *Find more details on the "referral process" tab or use to send a referral.

Youth & Family Mental Health & Wellness Resource Directory
YouthWell hosts an online resource directory for youth through the age of 25 and their families. Find a list of organizations providing youth and family mental health and wellness services in Santa Barbara County. Find crisis resources, therapists, treatment programs, parent and youth support groups, and more. 


Wellness Navigators

  • If you are not finding what you need using the Resource Directory or you are having challenges due to barriers accessing such as waitlists, etc., please use the referral form on to connect with YouthWell Wellness Navigators and we will do our best to help families find the mental health and wellness services they need for their family. (Providers and school counselors are invited to use this form or parents can also self-refer.) You can also call or email with any questions... or 805-770-1930 ext. 2

Youth & Family Mental Health & Wellness Resource Directory 

  • Find a complete list of organizations providing youth and family mental health and wellness services in Santa Barbara County. Find crisis resources, therapists, treatment programs, parent and youth support groups, and more. 

We welcome your feedback and having you share your experience >

Family Care Coordination


2023-2025 Cottage Center for Population Health - Behavioral Health Initiative • MindThrive

Youth ages 12 to 18 and their families are invited (through a referral partner) to participate in a new initiative offering early intervention and treatment support for mild to moderate mental health and substance use needs. Community organizations have partnered to help adolescents and families connect to services and take a holistic approach to addressing their needs. YouthWell provides the family care coordination.

*This program is currently open to families through referral with our partners.


How Do Families Participate?
*This program is currently open to families through referral with our partners.

  • Partners: Families can talk with their clinic provider [Grotenhuis Pediatric Specialty Clinics] or school counselor [SBHS or DPHS] for a Mind Thrive referral using
  • Within 48 hours, YouthWell Family Care Coordinators will follow up with the parent/guardian to help your family connect to services.
  • YouthWell will continue to support and advocate for your family throughout the process.
  • Length of services is based on individual needs.
  • Mind Thrive Flyer >

We welcome your feedback and having you share your experience >


Mind Thrive Participating Organizations:

  • CALM
  • Council on Alcoholism and Drug Abuse
  • OpenMinds
  • Pacific Pride Foundation
  • Sanctuary Centers
  • YouthWell

Our Team


Rachael Steidl

Executive Director & Founder
805.770.1930 ext 7
(m) 805.448.2426


Elise Fields

Family Care Coordinator
805.770.1930 ext 2
(m) 805.770.1218


Barbara McWhirter

Family Care Coordinator
805.770.1930 ext 2
(m) 805.770.1218

Connect SBC [FindHelp] is a new directory and referral platform for SB County. Organizations can contact Cottage Population Health to get connected.

You can also visit

thank you for your support...

We are grateful for the contributions from our local foundations and our community donors & family foundations!